Aerospace Marketing Blog
The DC-3, or Douglas Commercial 3, was built as the result of discussions with Transcontinental and Western Airlines (TWA) and American Airlines. It first flew (as a sleeper version) on December 17, 1935, on the 32nd anniversary of the Wright brothers’ first flight and was very popular with both airlines and passengers before WW2. During the war, it was used extensively for cargo and troop transport. Following the war, the DC-3 was overshadowed by the DC-4 and Lockheed Constellation.
Including civilian, military and license-built versions, over 16,000 were made. There are some 300 still in service today.

Pratt and Whitney Past and Present – ProPilot Magazine
50 years of success for P&WC's PT6 plus a peek into the future An overwhelming number of turboprop and helicopter OEMs have built winning aircraft using this outstanding powerplant design. Published in Professional Pilot Magazine, June 2013.

Powerplant Maintenance – ProPilot Magazine
A PT6 overhaul seen from the engine's perspective Turbine service events should be planned in advance. Knowledge of the details can go a long way toward eliminating the uncertainties. Published in Professional Pilot Magazine, February, 2013

Equipment and Mission – ProPilot Magazine
TurboProps versus Light Jets—choice comes down to travel legs and airport use New turboprops have high performance. But there's a magic factor with a jet that claims the future and charms the buyer. Published in Professional Pilot Magazine, February, 2012.

Production Technology – ProPilot Magazine
Composite Aircraft Evolution After several false starts, fully composite airframes are finally acceptable for mainstream aircraft. Published in Professional Pilot Magazine, October 2011.

Extended Ops Factors – ProPilot Magazine
Long-Range Bizjets Choices are many and prices are high—and with ranges that cover the planet, body clocks take time to recover. Published in Professional Pilot Magazine, September 2011

Pilot Techniques – ProPilot Magazine
Understanding and Equipping for Different GPS-Based Approaches What you need in the cockpit along with training to take advantage of the latest precision space-based landing systems. Published in Professional Pilot Magazine, June 2011

Control Systems – ProPilot Magazine
Envelope Protection Methods Avionics manufacturers build autopilots to address inadvertent unusual attitudes and overloads, increasing safety. Published in Professional Pilot Magazine, April 2011.